Monday, 25 June 2012

Print and Stitch

My Saskatchewan students pushed their creativity beyond boundaries for two days. The first day was the painting and printing. Then 'what do I do' with these lovely pieces of fabric. The second day students worked at their sewing machines to interpret their prints. Choosing thread colours for stitching and fabrics for borders took up some time in the early morning. Input from others in the class and some from me helped each person choose threads and fabrics. Discusions and sketches helped students decide how to 'put it all together'. They worked on designs for their art quilts, then they got right at it. Sewing machines hummed madly for the rest of the day. Have a look at the results. Some people were planning on going right out to purchase their own setacolor paints to work on projects over the summer. I can't wait to see photos of the finished works of these creative people! Send me your photos.

1 comment:

  1. It's always a fun class with you Jackie
    I always learn something new and have a blast.
    in stitches
